CREMIT – Simona Ferrari, Rosaria Pace, Elena Valgolio
Training path
Check&Design is an online, open and free course, designed as a MOOC, dedicated to the topic of Information Literacy to enhance the ability to recognize fake news, to trace information sources and understand the dissemination processes of information, working on digital contents and environments.
The course, born within the Eramsus+ project “Check and Design” Digital Information Literacy and collaborative learning at school 2020-1-IT02- KA201-079985, will be available in Italian and English from 20 February 2023 on EduOpen (https//
The course is aimed at secondary school teachers and their students, educators and all the users interested in Information Literacy.
The MOOC is built as an accessible educational resource and it is available for free. Each module includes video-lessons, thematic resources, e-tivities (learning proposals) to be adapted in the classroom, at home or in educational contexts, and also digital materials to deepen each topic. Each module is marked with a final test.

Main topics
The MOOC works on the development of skills linked to reading, selecting and creating information in the current digital context. Its main purpose, in fact, is to allow students to work on the topic of fake news, to trace the sources of information, to understand the processes of news dissemination and to promote a responsible use of the Internet.
The 6 modules of the course provide resources and tools in relation to four areas:
– Reflecting on the information and how digital media impacts on the concept of information
– Online research
– Evaluate digital data, information and content
– Participate and contribute to the digital environment as content producers (specifically, the role of prosumer).
Through the weekly topics proposed, the MOOC intends to deepen knowledge of the following concepts:
- Media and news
- Algorithm
– Search on the net
– Copyright
– Sources
– Online participation.
The course stems from the many experiences of research and training that CREMIT (Research Center on Media Education, Innovation and Technology, based at Catholic University) realized in recent years on Digital and Information Literacy, but also by the results of the work of the international Eramsus + project “Check and Design”, which led to the design of the pilot course.

The role of the e-tivity
The e-tivities, that are “online activities for active and interactive learning, motivating and defined by a purpose”, are inspired by the model of Gilly Salmon. They are structured to go deeper with respect to the main topics of the MOOC, allowing to experiment structured activities to be shared with other participants. The e-tivities associated with each module are shown in the following image.

The self-administered formula allows participants to follow their own pace of work and to complete the activities suggested according to their own time and attention.
All the materials, in fact, will be online simultaneously: everyone will have the opportunity to meet the entire overview of the materials, to view the resources and to carry out the activities asynchronously, for a total of 25 hours of training.
Registration is already available at the following link: